General Quiz
General Quiz
This quiz allows you to customize it. The buttons refer to subjects the quiz can include. You can either mark the checkbox next to the button to select all options in a subject or you can click the subject button itself to expand the subject and select specifically what you want included. Then simply click the "Generate Quiz" button and the quiz will show your first question at the top of the page.
If you want to change the content of the quiz, simply change the selections as you did initially and click "Generate Quiz" again
Level 1
First set of level one masculine nouns
Second set of level one masculine nouns
First set of level one feminine nouns (eta pattern)
Second set of level one feminine nouns (alpha pattern)
Third set of level one feminine nouns (alpha pattern)
Level one neuter nouns
All level one nouns together
Level 2
First set of level two neuter nouns
Second set of level two neuter nouns
First set of level two feminine nouns
Second set of level two feminine nouns
All level two nouns together